Photo365: June 8, 2009

“We are Virginia Tech,” the plaque reads. “We will prevail.”

Thirty-two stones stand in a semi-circle on the drill field on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia. They are called Hokie stones, and each one stands for a life senselessly cut short in a shooting rampage on the campus on April 16, 2007.

1. The memorial in front of Burruss Hall

Memorial at Burruss Hall

Memorial at Burruss Hall

2. Nicole Regina White anchors one side

Anchoring one side

Anchoring one side

3. Brian Roy Bluhm anchors the other side

Anchoring the other side

Anchoring the other side

4. Birthdays are still remembered…

The birthday

The birthday

5. And the campus will never be the same…

Never the same

Never the same

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