Photo365: September 9, 2009

So I was driving home after teaching my law school class tonight and decided to use my hands-free bluetooth phone link to call the house and leave myself a reminder about an email I needed to send. Hit the button, told the system to call, and instead of getting the usual “what name or number would you like to call” inquiry, I got the “no phone” message. I didn’t think much of it, since occasionally the bluetooth system loses its connection to the phone and I have to remind the two of them to play nicely together.

A couple of miles down the road, a niggling little thought occurred to me.  I couldn’t remember putting the iPhone back in its case after taking it out at the law school to check the time. (The clocks in the building are notoriously inaccurate, so AT&T gets to do the honors as to when class starts.) At the first stop light, I reached over, found the iPhone case and flipped it open to find…

… nothing.

Fortunately, the Law Library is open until 11 p.m., and a kind soul on the circulation desk was good enough to walk over to the appellate courtroom and retrieve it for me. I’ll pick it up in the morning on my way in to work.

But oh… how sad the empty iPhone case looks…

Wheres the iPhone????

Where's the iPhone????

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